Smart gadgets

Welcome to SmartaSaker

SmartaSaker was founded in 2006 and here you will find smart gadgets and fun gifts. It can be a gadget that simplifies everyday life and it's even more fun if it's a new innovation. We offer carefully selected innovations and smart products of high quality, which deliver what they promise. Read more about how it all started here.

Always handpicked and tested

We only bring in products that we have tested and can vouch for ourselves. Our carefully selected range is handpicked and consists of durable and high-quality products that make everyday life a little easier. We search, find and test!

Focus on innovation

We are passionate about innovation, and we have been a stepping stone many times for our innovators to reach out with their creations. Each month we select one of our talented innovators as "Innovator of the Month". They are interviewed to tell us more about the idea behind their innovation and how they went from idea to finished product. Read all the interviews here.

Our commitment

Our commitment makes us good at looking for and finding new innovations and innovators. But our commitment doesn't stop there. We always strive to be at the forefront of customer service and satisfaction.

For us, it's important to think environmentally. We use sustainable packaging and keep the volume down when packing our parcels. Since 2018, we have been carbon offsetting our freight. Read more about our climate thinking here.

DI Gasell 2021DI Gasell 2022

Gazelle Company

SmartaSaker has received the Di Gazelle Award from the Swedish business magazine Dagens Industri. Di Gazelle Award is awarded to the fastest growing companies in Sweden. The award means that we are now a Gazelle company and meet several conditions:

- A net turnover exceeding SEK 10 million, according to the latest annual report.
- At least ten employees, according to the latest annual report.
- At a minimum, a doubling of turnover, comparing the first and last financial year of the four-year period of investigation.
- Increased its turnover every year for the last three years
- A positive overall operating result for the last four financial years
- Grown substantially organically, not through acquisitions or mergers
- Sound financials.

Sustainable E-commerce

Members of Sustainable E-Commerce

We are members of Sustainable E-Commerce, which means that we actively work with sustainability issues and do our best to minimise our impact on the environment. By being a member of Sustainable E-Commerce, we gain relevant insights and we, as members, help each other with these important issues.

Safe E-Commerce certification

We have the Safe e-Commerce certification

Safe e-commerce is a certification for online shops that sell goods and services online. The certification shows that we stand for clear, simple, and uniform conditions for consumers.

Welcome to the website!

You are always welcome to visit our e-commerce site, where you can learn more about our products. If you have any questions about them or need help with your order, we are always at hand. We also have a physical store at Sankt Eriksplan 11 in Stockholm. Come on in!

Do you have questions or want to recommend a product?

We are always looking for new and smart things to add to our unique range and would love to hear from you! If you have any tips or questions, please email us at ( and we will get back to you shortly.

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