The StrongBoy Lid Opener

Easy-to-use opener for jar lids and screw caps
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    • Opens jar lids and screw tops
    • The long handle gives you power
    • Adjustable loop with rubber grip

    With the StrongBoy lid opener, you can easily unscrew stubborn lids and tight-fitting screw caps. The lid opener's adjustable rubber loop provides a good grip, and the long handle gives you the power to open many types of cans, PET bottles and drinks packaging.

    By turning the handle, you adjust the size of the loop. The loop becomes larger or smaller depending on which direction you turn it. The largest lid size you can open is 10 cm in diameter, and when the loop is at its smallest, you can open screw caps that are about 3 cm in diameter.

    The lid opener is easy to use. Put the loop around the lid and turn the handle so that the loop is tightened. The loop's rubber grip gives you a firm grip on the lid and the long handle gives you the power to unscrew it from the jar.

    The smart and ergonomic design makes the StrongBoy lid opener a good aid and is also useful for those who are not so strong in the hands. The lid opener fits in the kitchen drawer but can also be hung up by its loop.

    Dimensions lid opener: 22 cm x 5 cm x 3.5 cm
    Range of the rubber loop: about 3 cm to 10 cm in diameter

  • Article nr: 13361
    Stock availability: 0
    Depth: 3,5 cm
    Length: 22 cm
    Material: Plastic and rubber
    Width: 5 cm
    Weight: 0,15 kg

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