- Needs very little space
- Perfect for trips
- On a bus, in a taxi or in a rental car
This inflatable car seat cushion is a small, smart, transportable and inflatable seat cushion. Perfect for outings with school, on vacation, in a rental car or taxi, an extra seatbelt when friends are going home or in the cinema to get a clearer view.
It's possible to have three children in a row in the back seat, all on their seat cushions. The cushions can be folded together and are delivered with a small bag, so the child can take it with them without it being bulky or heavy.
Technical data: Approved according to ECE regulation R44/04. For children from 4 -11 years old/ 15-36 kg / 1.35 metre. May ONLY be used in conjunction with a 3-point adult harness that is ECE approved. Instructions for use are enclosed in the car cushion packaging.
Measures at full inflation: 33 cm x 33 cm x 11.5 cm