Pocket picnic blanket

Lightweight, durable and waterproof
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    • Fits in your pocket
    • Waterproof and durable
    • Stays in place using weights

    The pocket picnic blanket Matador is a lightweight, durable and compactblanket that fits in your pocket. Unfolded, the blanket measures 160 cm x 110 cm and is therefore perfect to bring along on a picnic, to a concert, festivals, parks or during a hike.

    The blanket is made of durable HyprLyte Nylon and is of the highest quality. The picnic blanket is waterproof, superlight, and durable enough to be used on all kinds of surfaces that you can normally walk on barefoot without hurting your feet. You remain dry and do not risk having your clothes stained.

    In each corner of the blanket, some weights help the blanket lay flat during windy summer days. If the wind gets too aggressive,you can pull out the weights and use them as bars to lock the blanket to the ground. In each corner, the blanketalso has uniquely designed pockets that can be filled with sand to make sure the blanket stays in place on the beach.

    After use, you fold the blanketalong with the markings to then store in the integrated bag.
    The pocket picnic blanket comes in the colours black, red & green.

  • Article nr: 12940
    Stock availability: 0
    Depth: Folded: 3cm
    Length: Unfolded: 160cm. Folded: 12cm
    Material: HyprLyte Nylon, polyurethane coated bottom
    Other: Waterproof, durable, super light
    Width: Unfolded 110cm. Folded 8cm
    Weight: 0,1 kg

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