Innovator: Light My Fire

Swedish FireSteel Spark Ignitor

The ever reliable Spark Ignitor
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    • Start a fire under any weather conditions
    • 2980° C sparks
    • Army: 12000 ignitions

    The Swedish Firesteel Spark Ignitor 2.0 from Swedish Light My Fire truly keeps its word. With its help you can spark flames to start a fire in any kind of weather conditions, heights and temperatures.

    Hold the striker against the ignitor's magnesium alloy and bring the striker down slowly but firmly. The friction creates sparks that are 2980° C warm that will light up whichever tinder you choose to use. The spark ignitor can be used approximately 12,000 times and works in both rain and snow.

    The ignitor and the striker are small and practical, easy to store in your luggage or backpack as they only weigh a few grams each. The striker's handle also has a whistle which could be useful in case of an emergency. The spark ignitor can also be used to light camping stoves, gas-stoves and gas grills.

    The Army Spark Ignitor measures 95 mm x 26 mm x 16 mm, weighs 50 grams and can be used 12,000 times.

  • Article nr: 12436
    Stock availability: 0
    Height: 14 mm
    Length: 77 mm
    Material: Magnesium alloy ignition steel. Stainless steel striker
    Other: Ignition steel can be used 12000 times , Sparks can get to 2980° C
    Width: 24 mm
    Weight: 27 g kg

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