Doggles sunglasses for dogs

100% UV protection, easy to put on

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    • 100% UV protection
    • Protect the eyes from wind
    • Easy to put on

    Doggles are sunglasses that have been specially designed for dogs and feature 100% protection against UV radiation. They are easy to put on and do not steam up.

    Even dogs sometimes need to protect their eyes against the wind and sunlight. It may be because your dog's eyes are a bit sensitive after an operation, or because you are out and about in the mountains, on the boat or at the beach where the sun can be very bright and accompanied by strong winds.

    Doggles are used by working dogs all over the world such as avalanche dogs, border post dogs and military dogs.

    The sunglasses have an extra wide bridge and deep, padded lens cups. The soft elastic band that goes around the dog's head and chin ensures the sunglasses fit properly and are comfortable.

    Doggles come in several sizes:
    XS (0.5–5 kg) e.g. chihuahuas
    Small (4–12 kg) e.g. beagles or Westies
    Medium (9–27 kg) e.g. Dalmations or border collies
    Large (22–44 kg) e.g. Labradors or German shepherds
    XL (41+kg), e.g. large Rottweilers or St. Bernards.

    NOTE! All black glasses have blue mirror glass.

  • Article nr: 11054
    Stock availability: 0
    Material: Plastic
    Other: UV approved and CE certified

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